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an exercise in compassion, health & hope

The humanitarian portfolios of RFTL focus on Health, Education and Environment sectors.
Details at
Joining the Dots
RFTL is a project addressing a global issue of self-sustainability, conscientising people to prevent HIV AIDS, and developing the moral responsibility and health of communities. RFTL has the potential for further regional, national and international impact via performance and TV broadcast, and is a platform for a discussion of values in human society.
Lost in a Bluebell Wood develops awareness of challenges faced by disabled people in their daily lives, and celebrates their courage in overcoming obstacles, The Rainbow's Child is concerned with environmental education and literacy, and Namaste-My Soul bows to Your Soul encourages cultural diversity, inclusivity and communication.
Requiem for the Living, the composition, is designed for performance in major centres, to raise awareness of critical need and to build co-operation between privileged and disadvantaged communities. The 2016 AV recording of this work (see ARCHIVE) was donated on social media in 2020, to all sufferers of devastating loss.
Funds generated by live performances are designated for donation to beneficiaries such as the Siyakhana Food Garden Permaculture Project. This is a University of the Witwatersrand Health Department educational and entrepreneurial initiative, which supports the needy in the inner city of Johannesburg.
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